Report Information

Achievement Levels

A to E Grades
In relation to the achievement standard, your child is demonstrating ….. A – Excellent      B – Good      C – Satisfactory       D – Partial      E – Minimal    ….achievement of what is expected at this year level.

Other Categories

Knowledge Development, Involvement in Subject, Subject Skills, Work Completion, etc

M – Minimal     P – Partial      S – Satisfactory     G – Good      Ex – Excellent

Modified SACE

Modified SACE Subjects assess completion against personal learning goals and not SACE achievement standards. Achievement is reported as “Complete”, “Not Yet Complete” “On Track” or “Not on track” to complete successfully”


for more information please go to Modified Subjects – South Australian Certificate of Education (



Note: “Total Days Absent” includes all explained and unexplained absences, including partial days absent for a Term. Lesson attendance % is based on the actual lessons held and excludes any cancelled lessons.