Enrolment process

The enrolment processes for our school are detailed on this page.

Department enrolment information

Visit the school enrolment section on the department’s website for more information.

Year 6 to High School Enrolments

Year 6 students can enrol at Findon High School through the state-wide transition process.

Registration of interest

The first step is the registration of interest for secondary school, which and closes on 24 May 2024.

If your child attends a government primary school you will receive an information pack about the transition to high school process.

For students enrolled at non-government primary schools, access the registration of interest form via:

Enrolment offers

Offers for enrolment are provided in August 2024.

Transition visits

Before starting school, you’ll get a letter to let you know when you can attend a transition visit in term 4. This is for all students starting school the following year.

We understand the transition to high school can be daunting for students and our team work hard to make it a seamless transition. We offer a comprehensive and exciting transition program for students commencing High School. The program is run across two days in term 4 and provides students with an introduction to our project based learning protocols, an induction to the facilities across the school and time to build new friendships with their fellow students.

In the lead up to transition we conduct Learner Profile Interviews and invite parents and students to an information evening.

Other year level enrolments

Other year level enrolments can enquire by contacting the school. All new enrolments will be invited to a Learner Profile Interview and to complete an enrolment conversation.

In addition to information about your student’s educational background you will need to provide:

  • a copy of the child’s original birth certificate or passport
  • an immunisation certificate
  • residency visa, if you are a non-Australian resident
  • proof of address (for example utility bill or lease agreement).

International enrolments

At Findon High School we enrol students into 2 programs designed for international students:

  • High school graduate program – for students who have met a standard of English via IELTS test score or completion of an Intensive English language course and wish to complete their SACE at our school.
  • High school study abroad program – students may choose a study abroad program for between 4 weeks and 1 year in length. This may also include a 10 week Intensive Secondary English Class course. Students enter mainstream classes to improve their English proficiency and develop an understanding of life and schooling in Australia.

For more information about studying abroad in South Australia, visit the International Students website.

The Palms - Disability Unit enrolments

Enrolment in The Palms Disability unit is managed centrally through the Department for Education process.

All eligible students will be notified of their allocated unit through the transition to High School process. Eligibility criteria and information related to the process can be accessed on the Department for Education website.

Book a principal tour

Our philosophy is that every day is open day.

You can take a personalised tour by contacting the school to make an individual appointment or by joining one of our regular tours throughout the school year.

To book a tour, call 8445 7944 or Contact us